Texas sex crime lawyer Jeff King advocates on behalf of clients facing serious charges, ensuring their rights are protected every step of the way. Few criminal charges are as stigmatized or as emotionally charged as sex crime offenses. Although the U.S. justice system holds that individuals are innocent until proven guilty, many individuals charged with sex offenses find that the public, along with their friends and family, may be all too willing to jump to conclusions based solely on the accusations made against them.
If you are being investigated or have been formally charged in connection with solicitation of a minor, prostitution, rape or another kind of sexual assault, your best recourse is to retain a qualified sex crime attorney who will leave no stone unturned in creating a strong defense. The penalties for a sex crime conviction in Texas are harsh and can result in a lifetime inclusion in a sex offender registry. As your attorney, Jeff King focuses on discretion and will keep your investigation or arrest out of the public eye.